"A Non-Denominational Christian Teaching Ministry" 


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Scriptural Sermonettes! Brief Exhortations on Selected Scriptures!
The Tongue - Proverbs 18:21
God is with Me - Acts 7:9
In His Thoughts - Ephesians 1:3-4
Saved by the Lord - Ephesians 2:8-10
Restore the Hurting - Galatians 6:1
Turn to the Lord - II Chronicles 7:14
Beware of the Prosperity Gospel - Job 22:21-25
I Can See - Mark 8:22-25
A Double Life - Matthew 7:21-23
Separate Ourselves - Psalms 1:1
Spiritual Disciplines - I Timothy 4:13
The Rapture - I Thessalonians 4:13-18
Praise the Lord - Revelation 4:8
The Great Tribulation - Matthew 24:21
The Right Path - Proverbs 14:12
Born Again - John 3:3-8
The Judgment Seat of Christ - Revelation 4:9-10
The Great White Throne Judgment - Revelation 20:11-15
The Origin of Evil - Isaiah 14:12-15
Salt and Light - Matthew 5:13-14
Redeeming the Time - Ephesians 5:16
A Tale of Two Pastors - Jeremiah 3:15 & Ezekiel 34:2
Demas - II Timothy 4:10
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses - Luke 14:18
The Resurrection of Christ - I Corinthians 15
The Call to Suffer - Acts 9:15-16
The Progression of Lust - II Samuel 11
The Ministry of Epaphroditus - Philippians 2:25-30
The Comfortable Christian - Revelation 3:14-18
The Lord's Hall of Fame - Hebrews 11
From Temptation to Test - James 1:2-4
His Ways and His Acts - Psalms 103:7
The Ministries of Mary and Martha - Luke 10:38-42
The Last Days - Acts 2:16-17
From Saul to Paul - Acts 9:1-6
The Last Haircut - Judges 16:20
Pass it on - Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Victory over Sin - Romans 6:12-14
Preach the Word - II Timothy 4:2-4
The Test of Job - Job 1 & 2
The Gospel of Isaiah - Isaiah 53
In the Beginning - Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1
They Say There is No God - Psalms 14:1
Two Thieves on the Cross - Luke 23:39-43
Altar Call - Matthew 11:28-30
Vanity and Vexation - Ecclesiastes 2
Drop Those Stones - John 8:1-11
Hypocrites - Matthew 23
One with the Lord - John 17:21-23
The Nicolaitanes - Revelation 2:6 & Revelation 2:15
The Sin of Ham - Genesis 9:20-27
The Age of Accountability - II Samuel 12:23
Say Thou Shibboleth - Judges 12:6
The Virtuous Woman - Proverbs 31:10-31
Drugs, Alcohol & the Occult - Revelation 18:23
The Church - Matthew 16:18
Water Baptism - Acts 2:38
Whom Do you Say? - Matthew 16:13-16
After We Are Delivered - Psalms 105:43-45
The World - I John 2:15-16
A Plan to Stop the Messiah - Gen 3:15
Be Not Deceived - II Tim 3:13
More Than an Eyewitness - II Peter 1:16-21
Search Me and Lead Me - Psalms 139:23-24
For God So Loved the World - John 3:16
Faith of Abraham - Genesis 15:6
God Proves His Love - Romans 5:8
The Offerings of Cain and Abel - Genesis 4:3-5
Praying for our Food - I Tim 4:3-5 & Ps 65:11-13
Deception - Galatians 6:7-8
Zombies - I Timothy 5:6
Be Not Weary in Well Doing - Galatians 6:9
Living Sacrifice - Romans 12:1
I Am - John 8:56-58
Almost a Christian - Acts 26:28
When the Messiah Comes - Isaiah 35:3-6
Who am I - Matthew 13:38 & I John 3:10
Fornication - Hebrews 13:4
Much Forgiveness Much Love - Luke 7:47
I am the Way the Truth and the Life - John 14:6
Who is the Greatest - Matthew 18:1
Selah - Psalms 3:8
The 400 Intertestamental Years - Galatians 4:4 & Acts 17:26
The Lord's Chastisement - Hebrews 12:5-6
Help Lord - Psalms 12:1 & Psalms 34:6
The Ministry of Anna - Luke 2:36-37
The Sin of Amnon - II Samuel 13
Famine in the Land - Amos 8:11
Capital Punishment - Job 19:29 & Romans 13:4
Lord's Two Approaches to Death - Ezek 33:11 & Psalms 116:15
Shew Thyself a Man - I Kings 2:1-3
Esau and his Bowl of Soup - Hebrews 12:16
How Do We Know if They are a Christian - Matthew 7:20
The Extent of God's Love - Jonah 3:5-10
Those That Do Their Own Thing - Judges 21:25
The Pride of Nebuchadnezzar - Daniel 4:30
The Power of Music - I Samuel 16:23
One More Sacrifice - Romans 12:1
A True Jew and a True Christian - Romans 2:28-29
Time to Grow Up - I Corinthians 13:11
Blessed Assurance - Romans 8:16
3 Fold Sanctification - Colossians 1:13
America Bless God - Psalms 67:5-6
With a Clean Heart - Haggai 2:10-14
The Realness of Hell - Matthew 25:41
The Hole in the Wall - Ezekiel 8:12-13

Follow Along The Teaching Below With Our Study Outlines!

Study Outlines>>>>>>>

Full Length Audio Bible Teachings - New Teachings Regularly!
A Lesson on Aging
Christian Biblical Basics 1
Christian Biblical Basics 2
Christian Biblical Basics 3
Christian Biblical Basics 4
Christian Biblical Basics 5
Christian Biblical Basics 6
Communion or The Lord's Supper
Examining Ourselves
False Science
Introduction to Forgiveness
Introduction to Praise
Introduction to Prayer Part 1
Introduction to Prayer Part 2
Introduction to Prayer Part 3
Introduction to Prayer Part 4
Introduction to Prayer Part 5
Introduction to Prayer Part 6
Introduction to Prayer Part 7
Introduction to Repentance
Introduction to Salvation
Introduction to the Pastor
Introduction to the Ten Commandments
Introduction to Worship
Jesus Christ & the Jewish Feasts Part 1
Jesus Christ & the Jewish Feasts Part 2
New Testament Introduction Part 1
New Testament Introduction Part 2
Old Testament Introduction Part 1
Old Testament Introduction Part 2
Old Testament Introduction Part 3
Once Saved Always Saved? Part 1
Once Saved Always Saved? Part 2
Psalm 1
Psalm 100
Psalm 117
Psalm 134
Psalm 15
Psalm 2
Psalm 23 Part One
Psalm 23 Part Two
Psalm 3 Part One
Psalm 3 Part Two
Psalm 4
Psalm 5 Part One
Psalm 5 Part Two
Renewing the Mind Process
Revelation Chapter 1
Revelation Chapter 10
Revelation Chapter 11
Revelation Chapter 12 Part One
Revelation Chapter 12 Part Two
Revelation Chapter 13 Part One
Revelation Chapter 13 Part Two
Revelation Chapter 14
Revelation Chapter 15
Revelation Chapter 16 Part One
Revelation Chapter 16 Part Two
Revelation Chapter 17
Revelation Chapter 18
Revelation Chapter 19
Revelation Chapter 2: The Church of Ephesus
Revelation Chapter 2: The Church of Pergamos
Revelation Chapter 2: The Church of Smyrna
Revelation Chapter 2: The Church of Thyatira
Revelation Chapter 20
Revelation Chapter 21
Revelation Chapter 22
Revelation Chapter 3: The Church of Laodicea
Revelation Chapter 3: The Church of Philadelphia
Revelation Chapter 3: The Church of Sardis
Revelation Chapter 4
Revelation Chapter 5
Revelation Chapter 6 Part One
Revelation Chapter 6 Part Two
Revelation Chapter 7 & Chapter 8
Revelation Chapter 9 Part One
Revelation Chapter 9 Part Two
The 10th Commandment
The 1st Commandment
The 2nd Commandment
The 3rd Commandment
The 4th Commandment
The 5th Commandment
The 6th Commandment
The 7th Commandment
The 8th Commandment
The 9th Commandment
The Armour of God
The Book of Colossians Chapter 1 Part One
The Book of Colossians Chapter 1 Part Two
The Book of Colossians Chapter 2 Part One
The Book of Colossians Chapter 2 Part Two
The Book of Colossians Chapter 3 Part One
The Book of Colossians Chapter 3 Part Two
The Book of Colossians Chapter 4
The Book of II John
The Book of II Peter Chapter 1
The Book of II Peter Chapter 2 Part One
The Book of II Peter Chapter 2 Part Two
The Book of II Peter Chapter 3
The Book of II Timothy Chapter 1
The Book of II Timothy Chapter 2 Part One
The Book of II Timothy Chapter 2 Part Two
The Book of II Timothy Chapter 3 Part One
The Book of II Timothy Chapter 3 Part Two
The Book of II Timothy Chapter 4 Part One
The Book of II Timothy Chapter 4 Part Two
The Book of III John
The Book of James Chapter 1 Part One
The Book of James Chapter 1 Part Two
The Book of James Chapter 2
The Book of James Chapter 3
The Book of James Chapter 4 Part One
The Book of James Chapter 4 Part Two
The Book of James Chapter 5 Part One
The Book of James Chapter 5 Part Two
The Book of Jonah Chapter 1 Part One
The Book of Jonah Chapter 1 Part Two
The Book of Jonah Chapter 2
The Book of Jonah Chapter 3
The Book of Jonah Chapter 4
The Book of Jude
The Book of Nahum Chapter 1 Part One
The Book of Nahum Chapter 1 Part Two
The Book of Nahum Chapter 2 Part One
The Book of Nahum Chapter 2 Part Two
The Book of Nahum Chapter 3 Part One
The Book of Nahum Chapter 3 Part Two
The Book of Obadiah
The Book of Philemon
The Book of Titus Chapter 1
The Book of Titus Chapter 2
The Book of Titus Chapter 3
The Conversion of Zaccheaus
The Fruit of the Spirit
The Parable of Prodigal Son Part 1
The Parable of Prodigal Son Part 2
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
The Supremacy of God
The Trinity
The Woman Caught in Adultery
Who is Jesus Christ? Part 1
Who is Jesus Christ? Part 2
Who is Jesus Christ? Part 3
Who is the Holy Spirit? Part 1
Who is the Holy Spirit? Part 2
Who is the Holy Spirit? Part 3

God bless you and keep you as we grow together in the love of God and in the name of Jesus Christ!

© Life Changing Ministries International Inc.

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